How making this 1 mindset shift completely changed my life!

Triana Powell
2 min readMar 26, 2022

At the start of 2022, I was a stay-at-home mom. I had no real direction in my life except to make sure I fed my crazy kids and kept the house relatively clean.

For years, I researched how I could add to my family’s income while retaining a flexible schedule.

One day, a light bulb moment materialized after watching one of those hour-long mastermind videos.

I realized that I am a writer!

After years of putting my thoughts onto Facebook and Instagram and keeping a journal of my life experiences, I finally got the memo…

I have been a writer for years!

So I went down the rabbit hole of how I could use this talent to make money.

I spent weeks researching writing roles, writing courses, and writing gurus.

I finally landed on Nicki Krawczyk’s Comprehensive Copywriting Course, and the rest is history.

I started the course, experienced some discouragement, as most do, and completed it in a month and a half.

Meanwhile, I gained experience by designing a website for a small business. They also needed a Facebook page and a Google business page.

You know what I learned?

I can do this!

I’ve been wasting years believing that I didn’t have any unique abilities when I had these skills for years!

If you are looking to make a positive change in your life, take note of what you are already doing.

Now expand upon that skill!

It could be life-changing!

“Change the way you look at things and the things you look at change.” -Wayne W. Dyer

